Animal Crying

·         Alligators - hiss, grunt
·         Apes - gibber
·         Asses - bray
·         Badgers - growl
·         Basenji dogs - yodel
·         Bats - screech
·         Bears - growl: Grrr
·         Bees - hum and buzz
·         Beetles - drone
·         Birds - chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing: Bird song, whistle
·         Bitterns - boom
·         Blackbirds - whistle
·         Bulls - bellow
·         Calves - bleat
·         Camels - grunt
·         Cats - mew, purr, meow and hiss, yowl, spit, nyan
·         Cattle - moo, low
·         Chaffinches - fink
·         Chicks - cheep
·         Chickens - cluck
·         Chinchillas - squeak
·         Cicadas - sing
·         Cocks - crow
·         Cows - low, moo
·         Cowdog - moof
·         Coyotes - yelp, cry
·         Crickets - chirp, creak
·         Crows - caw
·         Cuckoos - coo, cuckoo
·         Curlews - pipe
·         Deers - bell
·         Dingos - bark, cry
·         Dodos - squawk, cry
·         Dogs - bark, woof, arf
·         Dolphins - click
·         Donkeys - bray, hee-haw
·         Doves - coo
·         Ducks - quack
·         Eagles - scream, cry
·         Elephants - trumpet
·         Emus - galumph
·         Falcons - chant
·         Ferrets - dook
·         Flies - buzz, hum
·         Foxes - bark, yelp or simper
·         Frogs - croak, ribbit
·         Giraffes - bleat
·         Goats - bleat, baa
·         Geese - cackle, goble, hiss, honk, quack
·         Grasshoppers - chirp: Stridulation
·         Guinea pigs - squeak (many guinea pig owners dub this noise as a "wheek"[citation needed])
·         Hamsters - squeak
·         Hares - squeak
·         Hawks - scream
·         Hens - cackle, cluck
·         Hippopotamuses - bellow, rumble, roar, growl
·         Humans - cry, scream, sing, talk
·         Hogs - grunt
·         Horses - clop, neigh, snort, whinny
·         Hyenas - laugh, scream
·         Jackals - howl
·         Jays - chatter
·         Kangaroos - tipper, chortle
·         Koalas - scream, bellow, wail
·         Komodo dragons - growl, snarl, hiss
·         Lambs - bleat
·         Larks - sing, warble
·         Linnets - chuckle
·         Lions - roar, growl
·         Llamas - growl,
·         Magpies - chatter
·         Mice - squeak and squeal
·         Monkeys - chatter, gibber, whoop

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