The truth probably lies somewhere between the two views. Since 1776, an enormous amount of racial and ethnic assimilation has taken place in the United States, yet some groups continue to feel a strong sense of separateness from the culture as a whole. Many of these groups are really bicultural. That is, they consider themselves Americans, but they may also wish to retain the language and sometimes the cultural traditions of their original culture.
People of Hispanic origin were on the North American continent before settlers arrived from Europe in the early 1600s. In Florida and the southwest, Spanish and Latin American settlements were established centuries before the thirteen colonies joined together to form the United States in the late 1700s. Because of their long history and the continued influx of newcomers into the established communities, many Hispanics, or Latinos, have taken a special pride in maintaining their cultural traditions and the use of the Spanish language.
Generally speaking, over the years whites from different national and religious backgrounds have been gradually assimilated into the larger American culture, with some exception. For sexample, american Jews are one group who have traditionally retained a strong sense of group identity within the larger culture. This may be a result of the long history of persecution in the Christian countries in Europe, the weaker forms of discrimination and anti-Jewish feeling that have sometimes existed in the United States, and their own strong feeling of ethnic prode. Yet along with their own group identity, American Jews have a strong sense of being a part of the larger American culture.
The Establishment of the Dominat Culture
The first census of the new nation, conducted in 1790, counted about 4 million people, most of whom were white. Of the white citizens, more than eight out of ten traced their ancestry back to England. African americans made up a suprising 20 percent of the population, an all-time high. There were close to 700.000 slaves and about 60,000 “free negroes.” Only a few Native American who paid taxes were included in the census count, ut the total Native American Population was probably about 1 Million.
It was the white population that had the greater numbers, the money, and he political power in the new nation, and therefore this majority soon defined what the dominant culture would be. At the time of the American revolution, the white population was largely English in Origin, protestant, and the middle-class. Such Americans are sometimes referrred to as “WASPs” (white anglo-saxon protestants); however, many people now consider this an insulting term. Their characteristics became the standard for judging other groups. Those having a different religion (such as the Irish Catholics), or those speaking a different language (such as the Germans, Dutch, and Swedes), were in the minority and would be disadvantaged unless they became assimilated. In the late 1700s this assimilation occured without great difficulty. According to histroians Allan Nevins and Henry Steele Commager, “English, Irish, German,....Dutch, Swedish-mingled and intermarried with little thought of any difference.”
The dominant American culture that grew out of the nation’s early history, then, was English-Speaking, western European, Protestant, and middle-class in character. It was this dominant culture that establishe what became the traditional values described by Tocqueville in the early 1830s. Immigrants with these characteristics were welcome, in part because Americans believed that support to the basic values of the ominat culture, such as freedom, equality of opportunity, and the desire to work hard for a higher material standard of living.
The Assimilation of Non-Protestan and Non-Western Europeans
As is the case in many cultures, the degree to which a minority group was seen as different from the characteristics of the dominat majority determined the extent of that group’s acceptance. Althought immigrants who were like the eralier settlers were accepted, those with significantly different characteristics tended to be viewed as a threat to traditional American Values and way of life.
This was particularly true of the immigrants who arrived by the millions during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Most of them came from poverty-stricken nations of the southern and eastern Europe. They spoke language other thant English, and large numbers of them were Catholics or Jews.
Americans at the time were very fearful of this new flood of immigrants. They were afraind that these people were so accustomed to lives of poverty and dependence that they would not understand such traditional American values as freedom, self-reliance, and competition. There were so many new immigrants that they might even change the basic values of the nation in undesirable ways.
Americans tried to meet what they saw as a threat to their values by offering English instruction for the new immigrants and citizenship classes to teach them basic American beliefs. The immigrants, however, often felt that their American teachers disapproved of the traditions of their homeland. Moreover, learning about American values gave them little help in meeting their most important needs, such as employment, food, and a place to live.
The fact that the United States had rapidly expanding economy at the turn of the century made it possible for these new immigrants, often with the help of the bosses, to better their standard of living in the United States. As a result of these new opportunities and new rewards, immigrants came to accept most of the values of the larger American culture and were in turn accepted by the great majority of Americans. For white ethnic groups, therefore, it has generally been true that their feeling of being a part of the larger culture-that is American- has usually been stronger than their feeling of belinging to a separate ethnic group-Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.
The African-American Experience
The process of assimilation in the United States has been much more succesful for white ethnic groups thant for non-white ethnic groups. Of the non-white ethnic groups, American of African descent have had the greatest difficulty in becoming assimilated into the larger culture. African Americans were brought to the United States against their will to be sold as slaves. Except for the American Indian tribes who inhabited the United States before the first white settlers arrived, other ethnic groups came to America Voluntary-most as immigrants who wanted to better their living conditions.
The enslavement of African Americans in the United States was a complete contradiction of such traditional basic American values as freedom and equality of opportunity. It divided the United States into two increasingly different sections: the southern states, in which black slavery became the basis of the economy, and the southern states, which chose to make slavery against the law.
A minority of African American in the United States was a complete contradiction of such traditional basic American values freedom an equality of opportunity. It divided the United States into two increasingly different sections: the southern states, in which black slavery became the basis of the economy, and the northern states, which chose to make slavery against the law.
A minority of whites in the North insisted that slavery and freedom could not exist together in a free country and demanded that slavery be abolished, even if this meant war with the South. A much larger number of northern whites people inly, but they were afraid that black slavery would eventually take away their economic freedom. If, for example, the slave system of the South were allowed to spread into the frontier regions of the west, poor and middle-income whites could no longer look to the western frontier as a land of equality and opportunity where people could better their position in life. Rather, whites could have ti compete with unpaid slave labour, a situation that they believed would degrade their work and lower their social status.
Abraham Lincoln was able to become president of the United States by appealing to both the white idealists who saw slavery as an injustice to African American and to the larger numbers of northern whites who saw slavery as a threat to themselves/ Lincoln’s argument was that if black slavery continued to spread westward, white freedom and equality would be threatened. Lincoln also believed that basic ideals such as freedom and equality of opportunity had to apply to all people, black and white, or they would not last as basic American values.
Hen Lincoln won the presidency in 1860s, the southern states left the Union and tried to form a new nation of their own based on slavery. A civil war (1861 – 1865) between the North and South resulted, which turned out to be the bloodiest and most destructive of all the nation’s wars. When the North was finally victorious, black slavery ended in the United States.
Back in the 1830s, Tocqueville predicted trouble between blacks and whites in the United States
These two races are fastened to each other without intermingling; and they are unable to separate entirely or to combine. Although the law may abolish slavery ,God alone can obliterate the traces of its existence.
Although slavery was abolished in the 1860s, its legacy continued and African Americans were not readily assimilated into the larger American culture. Most remained in the South, where they were not allowed to vote and were legally segregated from white. Black children were not allowed to attend white public schools, for example, and many received an inferior education that did not give them an equal opportunity to compete in the white-dominated society. Many former slaves and their families became caught in a cycle of poverty that continued for generations. Although condition were much worse in the segregated South, blacks continued to be the victims of strong racial prejudice in the North as well.
The Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 1960s
This state of affairs remained unchanged until the United States Supreme Court declared in 1954 that racially segregated public schools did not provide equal educational opportunities for black Americans and were therefore illegal. Black leaders throughout the United States were greatly encouraged by this decision. They decided to try to end racial segregation in all areas of American life.
The most important of these leaders was Martin Luther King Jr., a black protestant minister with a great gift for inspiring people. From the late 1950s until his assasinnation by a white gunman in 1968, King led thousands of people in nonviolent marches and demonstrations against segregation and other forms of racial discrimination. King’s goal was to bring about greater assimilation of black people into the larger American culture. His ideas were largely developed from basic American Values. He wanted greater equality of opportunity and “freedom now” for his people. He did not wish to separated his people from American society, but rather to gain for them a larger part in it.
Some black leaders, such as Malcolm X, urged a rejection of basic American values and complete separation of blacks from the white culture. Malcolm X believed that American values were nothing more than “white men’s values” used to keep blacks in an inferior position. Blacks must separate themselves from whites, by force if necessary, and build their own society based on values which they would created for themselves. Because he saw Christianity as a “white” religion, Malcolm turned to a faith based on Islam, and he became a leader of the “black Muslim” faith (founded in 1930). The great majority of American blacks, however, shared Martin Luther King’s Protestant religious beliefs and his goal of assimilation rather than separation. Most African Americans continued to look to King as their leader.
The civil rights laws of the 1960s helped to bring about a significant degree of assimilation of blacks into the larger American culture. Most important, the laws eventually helped to reduce the amount of white prejudice toward black people in all parts of the country. A federal program called affirmative action required employers to actively seek black workers and universities to recruit black students. As a result of the civil rights laws and affirmative action, the number of African Americans attending the nation’s college and universities, holding elective public office, and earning higher income increased dramatically, in the late 1960s. In 1984 and 1988, Jesse Jackson, a black leader who had worked with King in the 1960s, became the first African Americans to run for president of the United States. Although he did not win, he received significant national attention and greatly influenced the policies of the Democratic Party. African American are now mayors of major cities and members of Congress; they hold offices in all levels of government-local, state, and national.
An American Paradox
The civil rights movement benefited not only African American, but all minorities in the United States-American Indians, Hispanics, and Asians. Racial discrimination in employment and housing was forbidden by law. The civil rights laws also advanced the rights of women, and these laws have reinforced the ideal of equality of opportunity for all Americans.
However, there is a paradox, Although the amount of diversity in the United States continues to grow with each census, the 2000 census revealed the segregation according to race and ethnicity has persisted to a much larger degree than many Americans had realized. On the one hand, most young Americans say they would have no problem being friends with or even marrying someone of a different race or ethnic background. Polls show that the vast majority of Americans believe that segregation is a bad thing. On the other hand, races and ethnic groups still tend to live in segregated communities. This has been a trend in the cities, and as minority groups have moved into the suburbs the rend has continued. Ethnically diverse neighborhoods do of course exist and are certainly chosen by a number of Americans, However these neighborhoods are the exception, rather than the rule.
Sociology professor John Logan has studied this phenomenon and reports that the 2000 census founf the United States as segregated a nation as it has ever been. “the Majority of Americans,” Logan found, “are living i neighbourhoods that continue to separate whites from blacks, Latinos, and people of Asian descent. In fact, the same colour barrier that has dominated urban communities for decades has now spread to our fast-growing suburbs, where people of color tend to congregate in neighborhoods and housing developments apart from whites.” Morover, Logan sees this trend continuing into the future;
We need to be aware that segregation is not going by itself. And that it hasn’t been solved by the growth of the black middle class, the softening of white attitudes on race, or the laws that prohibits racial discrimination in housing. These are all factors that might have had a positive effect on segregation, and the assumption has been that they must have had an effect. But its very important to realize that they have not.
Is it a bad thing if groups of people choose to live in communities with others of their race or ethnic background? Shouldn’t individuals have the freedom to live wherever and near whomever they want? Ethnic communities often provide valuable support to new immigrants, with their native-language newspapers and ethnic restaurants and grocery stores. Most white Americans, particularly those in and near cities, enjoy international food and many participate in cultural festivals from all over the world. They see this diversity as enriching their lives.
But there is a negative side to this picture. The bad news is that there is still a gulf between different racial and ethnic groups. Although African Americans represent about 12 percents of the population, they are still grossly under-represented in Congress, and the same is true of Hispanics. The median income of a married black or Hispanics man working full-time is still significantly less than that of a married white man. Segregation and discrimination are against the law, but residential patterns create largely segregated neighborhood schools, particularly in many urban areas. Whites are more likely than blacks and Hispanics to live in the suburbs, where the neighborhood schools are usually in better condition and offer a better education. Many blacks and other ethnic minorities in the inner city are trapped in cycle of poverty, unemployment, violence, and despair. Blacks are the most frequent victims of violent crime, and as many as one in five young males may have a criminal record. More black and Hispanic children than white children live in poverty and many have only one parent at home.
On the other hand, American continue to believe strongly in the ideal of equality of opportunity and to search for ways to give everyone an equal chance at success. The American Dream still attracts immigrants and inspires people of all races and ethnic backgrounds. In reality, some immigrant groups have more success than others. As one would expect, history shows that immigrants who come with financial resources, a good educational background, and the necessary work skills are likely to do the best. For example, immigrants from the Middle East tend to have a higher socioeconomic level than the average white American. So do Asians, as a group. However, those who come without financial resources and a strong educational background do not do as well.
Today, immigrants with all kinds of backgrounds and skill levels find their way to the United States. Some of them are highly educated and they may find employement in fields such as technology, medicine, and science. Others may come from poor rural or urban areas and have a limites education. Many of these are young people who risk their lives to come without documentation to do agricultural or construction work. Others find work as Janitors, maids, or nannies. Often, they are paid less than a documented worker would be. However, what they are able to earn in dollars and send back to their countries can support many family members there. Many of these individuals do not want to become U.S. citizens; they only wish is to be able to work here. Americans are trying to find ways to accomodate these workers, while still protecting the interest of U.S. citizens.
A Universal Nation
It is important to remember that the dominant culure and its values system established by the early settlers had its roots in white, Protestant, western europe. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, millions of immigrants came from eastern and southern Europe, bringing cultural traditions perceived by the dominant culture as quite different. By the 1920s, Americans had decided that it was time to close the borders to mass immigration, and the number of new immigrants slowed to a trickle. In spite of the worries of those in the dominant culture, the new immigrants assimilate to life in the United States. They greatly enriched the cultural diversity of the nation, and they ultimately di not cause major changes to its system of government, its free enterprise system, or its traditional values.
In 1965, the United States made important changes in its immigration laws, allowing many more immigrants to come and entirely eliminating the older laws’ bias in favour of white European immigrants. As a result, the United States now takes in large numbers of new immigrants who are non-white and non-Europeans. The majority are from Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. In addition to the large numbers of legal immigrations, for the first time the United States has significant numbers of immigrants without legal documentation. Many worry about what the impact will be on American society. Can the American economy offer these new immigrants the same opportunities that others have had? What will be the effect on the traditional value system that has defined the United States for over 200 years?
Perhaps the United States will be described not as melting pot or salad bowl, but as mosaic-a picture made up of many tiny pieces of different colors. If one looks closely at the nation, the individuals of different colors and ethnic groups are still distinct and recognizable, but together they create a picture that is uniquely American. E Pluribus unum- the motto of the United States from its beginning-means “one composed of many.” Out of many, one
Datesman, Maryanne Kearny,. Crandall JoAnn,. Kearny, N Edward, American Ways, an Introduction to American Culture, Third Edition. New York Pearson education. Inc. 2005