Journal About Language and Behaviour
Related to the title, I feel exited to share my journal this time, probably because of the unique information inside paper where we can see the correlation between the language and behavior. You must be wondering, is there a relationship between Language and Behavior? of course there are many. Just imagine, when you are speaking, usually you may judged the person's personality, I often behave like that, so maybe this is the reason I made a journal under the title "The Correlation of Language and Behavior: Whether Language affects the Behavior or conversely. In this case the discussion is narrowed leads to social networks such as Twitter, Facebook or other.
Lots of social networking features that provide ease in order to meet the comfort for its users, for example posting status or chat using a webcam. By them, the language contained in social networking in verbal / oral (voice or writing), and non-verbal (symbol and emoticon) (Setianti, 2007). Although basically most social networking users who pours its existence through writing that may not have too much impact because people are often considered it as trivial little thing that minimal truth, it is an interesting thing to be discussed as it relates to the quality of the individual, if someone able to integrate their actions according to the words, then words capable to interpret steadily in writing, then how great is the person would be. So based on this grounded theory, we are able to judge the people who think that writing is a trivial thing it signifies only a narrow thinking.
Language in social networking spawned a variety of interesting phenomena, many things can happen over the development of today's technology. Phenomenon which researchers observe, there are a lot of friends in cyberspace that mention slang words without thinking its meaning first. Like Linro Lebba VS Inge Loppo: D. They just speaking spontaneously. Something considered attractive instantly retrieved and use it without considering in terms of appropriateness for publication or not.
Where the social networking site can be enjoyed by many people, not a few who stumble because of wrong comment on the site. It is not possible to what is exemplary Information on the contrary with the law of Information Technology (UU) who which prohibits the publication of words that do not heed the norms of decency. Spontaneity is not only done by the person who posted the words, but also from others who also responded. If it is agreed, it is something that is not important, why should also be involved with something that is not important? Is not there something more meaningful to respond?
The habit of spontaneously commented or commented carelessly without thinking, seems to have little rooted in the social networking site. Like requited rhyme, when people post a word or phrase, directly respond it with a word or phrase as well and so on. What was going through at that time, that was used as a response.
Try to think for a moment and the results are set forth in the concoction of words, of course the result will be different and more readable by others. It's not all things to think about, but it would be better if we chose topics that ought to be examined further. This will certainly minimize the misunderstanding because in his own words.
Our lecturer often said: "Nowadays the students prefer to read Facebook or Twitter status others than reading a book. In researcher perspective, it is a plea to learn if the word of something thought out and carefully written so readable, felt by the audience and thus has a noble meaning or value delivered. Not something that was written without having clear goals and not understood by the reader. Because even the language contained in the tiniest writing, that would affect behavior................................[Download this file for more detail]
- Journal About Language and Behaviour
- Ikrar D'tenjersey
- Selasa, 07 Juli 2015
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